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Education Saving Scheme

Education Saving Scheme

Project Description and Historical Background

The Education Saving Scheme, (which includes the Education Scholarships Programme and Award for Excellence Project) is a project of the Fundamental Right to Education Support. It is an initiative developed out of the discoveries of the Foundation, especially based on the challenges Nigerian parents have towards making sure their wards get the needed tertiary education after graduating from the Primary and Secondary School. It was observed that lack of funds often make parents paint the possibility of an incomplete education process at the back of the minds of learners. The findings of the Foundation revealed that some learners find it difficult to give their best to learning because of the conceieved idea of an incomplete learning process.   


While access to Public Primary School Formal Education is free to a large extent in Nigeria and that of the Public Secondary School is free to some extent, Tertirry Education is not free at all levels. There is thus the need for a saving culture that can help learners access this level of formal education both at the entry point and the entire program.



The aims of the project are to:

1) Provide education and support for learners

2) Help parents plan and prepare the funding for the education of their children in the future especially tertiary education

3) Advocate against incomplte learning process in Nigeria